Wednesday, April 16, 2008

coming soon...

from a theater near me. Yesterday, after claiming to a co-worker that windy days instill in me a certain sense of hilarity and consequently feeling pressured to take myself less seriously, I passed two workers at the aforementioned professional theatre company grilling meat in the same spot often occupied by the dumpster. They were stagehands in full uniform. Nose rings, lip rings, mohawks, cigarettes, tattoos, black apparel, and what may well have been stage make-up. While I generally know better than to get between people and their half-grilled meat, I casually mentioned that I was fond of their garbage and asked if it was for the taking. They were, if not flattered, at least totally cool with me rummaging through their dumpster in the future. I am already devising plans for a dramatic outing- not for the faint of heart.

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