Saturday, May 30, 2009

purple with polka dots

This dress is a work in progress. I wore it to Foat Design with unhemmed sleeves (they used to be long and I hacked them off that morning) and unhemmed length of skirt. I consulted both Kaja and Ellie, the new summer intern, on my best prospects for the dress. We all agreed on a nearly sleeveless ruffle in place of the short sleeves. I will get around to this task eventually. We were contemplating whether or not the material necessitated a finished hem. I later sucked up half the skirt in an industrial car vac and proved definitively that it is subject to fraying.

dress XXVI

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess mom's mantra of "If you don't like it the way it is, don't buy it." didn't quite ring true with you.
I am impressed by your motivation.