The aftermath of Halloween is even scarier than the real thing. I found this eponymously pimped out necklace on my way to the bus today. It is not as precious as it looks. I had no intention of keeping it. I also had no intention of putting it around my neck but there you have it. Sometimes even the best intentions fall by the wayside. I find the necklace depressing because it epitomizes a piece of complete junk. Still, I hate to think that something becomes trash just because it was dropped on the ground. Which is why I picked a snack-size Crunch bar off a sidewalk near St. Thomas and stashed it in my pocket for later.
Last night Jon and I attended a horror flick party. On the way home at nearly 2AM, we encountered a couple in argument. The guy was dressed as a detainee from Guantanamo Bay. I thought the whole thing was a skit because the guy was so ill-equipped to defend himself. Merely a coincidence.
I don't think Halloween is that much fun. It might have something to do with the number of limbs I watched being sawed off with a chain saw.
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