Sunday, July 13, 2008

cream wafers

Cream wafers may be the best cookie on earth. I have a hard time talking about cream wafers without getting philosophical. There is a question I often undertake with the baking mentors of my life. Right now, if you were given the choice of making the ten best cookies of your life over and over again vs. making every cookie you could conceive of without repeating ever, which would you choose? Tough, right? I would have to go with the ten best cookies over and over again. These cookies definitely factor into that answer. They are a huge pain in the ass to make. But I cannot imagine my life without the potential to make them whenever I feel so inspired. Never make these cookies for someone who may not appreciate them.

My list of top ten cookies:

cream wafers
almond macaroons
chocolate chip
soft gingersnaps
russian teacakes
almond lace cookies
homemade oreos
pumpkin cookies
oatmeal raisin

*list subject to change
(and in hindsight, I feel deprived)

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