Sunday, December 14, 2008


Snowmen are funny things. When I was in college, my parents had a Brazilian exchange student named Cleber. Cleber witnessed snow for the first time with our family. He also made his first snowman with us. Cleber named him Ice Cube. A pretty typical snowman, save for the down cap with earflaps- to keep him warm. It makes me sad that kids today are more likely to make virtual snowmen than go out in the snow and roll misshapen balls out of snow to be stacked clumsily on top of each other.

One time my sister wrote a clever email to a potential suitor that referenced meeting him by a snowman. I cannot remember the exact context, but it was undoubtedly clever. Jamie has a razor sharp wit that thrives on courting men. When Jamie met the guy in a coffee shop, he arrived with ziploc bag bearing a little snowman he had made. Jamie told me this story the next day and I think my reaction was something like, 'marry him.' I know what you're thinking- it sounds almost creepy. But trust me. She should have married him.

Here was the day's inspiration.

Kids these days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn girl! I know...I know. Now I am bitter and alone, and not even a snowman to keep me company!