Monday, March 24, 2008

easter, a new beginning of sorts

I spent Easter at my boyfriend's cousin's house thinking all the while that his cousin was his aunt. His cousin-in-law (uncle, I was thinking) said grace and kept it appropriately short and sweet. Quite matter-of-factly he expressed gratitude for this season of new beginnings. Irreverant maybe, but I'm happy to consider Easter my born-again New Year's. Seeing as New Year's didn't really pan out for me and waiting for my birthday seems like a bit of a cop-out, I decided to do the whole 'new beginning' thing on Easter this year- hence blog #1.

Two Easter projects. First project- tiny Easter baskets. Their tininess was the point. Partly because I am poor and cannot afford to make regular-sized Easter baskets. And because I am increasingly concerned with the carbon footprint of my projects. Tiny Easter baskets are respectful of this. The baskets involved two incidents of petty theft. The first- ketchup cups from Arby's. The ketchup cups were my muse- the inspiration behind the whole project. I came across them quite by chance on a day that I left work so starving that I couldn't imagine walking by Arby's without buying a roast beef sandwich. From the moment I saw them, I was determined to make them into Easter baskets. A little advice- always better to ask for something than to steal it. So, I asked. It took me a few days to get up the nerve. It helps to act humble. Feign it if you have to. Haughtiness was never rewarded with free fast food paraphenalia. The lady behind the counter handed me a partially used pack of 250 and said 'you better run fast.' I chose to take her literally. I came upon the sushi grass by pretty much the same means. Cheap thrills

Second project- not really a project at all, but a failure to dye eggs. Failure to buy vinegar, actually. I didn't realize this until after hard-boiling 17 eggs. I only had balsamic in my apartment. So, I broke out the vintage googly eyes. Bittersweet. I comfort myself with the knowledge that googly eyes never really bring joy until they've been stuck on a common object.

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